Full Mouth Reconstruction
On many instances teeth can be worn and grinded down to severe clenching and grinding. These can lead to severe attrition, abfractions, a collapsed bite and broken, unappealing teeth and smiles. These conditions can lead to pain, sensitivity and trouble chewing as the deterioration occurs. A comprehensive treatment approach is sometimes required to properly remedy these destructive wear patterns. At Da Vinci Dental Arts, our full mouth reconstruction methodologies can help restore your smile’s health, function and appearance.

Crown and Bridge Restorations
Lets face it: sometimes bad things happen to good people! Teeth can develop decay, gums may deteriorate, we can suffer dental trauma, old dental work can start falling apart. Despite all this, it is important to remember that many times natural can still be saved and properly restored. At Da Vinci Dental Arts we utilize our artistry and expertise to reconstruct your teeth and your smile to help you achieve the best possible dental results.

Veneers and Aesthetic Dentistry
Many times we are not happy with the appearance of our teeth and our smiles. Spaces, uneven teeth, yellowish, grey or darkened teeth can put a damper on our self-esteem and makes conscious of the way we look. There are many treatment methodologies for making smiles bright, even and lighter. Porcelain veneers can be an ideal solution towards achieving that Hollywood smile that you have been dreaming about for years. At Da Vinci Dental Arts we will apply all of our creativity and expertise to getting you the best possible smile!

Fillings and Restorative Dentistry
Decay can wreak havoc on teeth. It is an unfortunate fact of life. So long as you have teeth, you will have the potential for developing dental decay. Three conditions must exist for a dental decay/caries to develop: teeth, bacteria and food substrates. So long as we have teeth, we will be waging a never ending battle against dental decay. Genetics, diet, oral hygiene and other factors play important roles in whether or not we develop dental decay. If you ever do however, at Da Vinci Dental Arts we have an array of restorative and aesthetic treatment options to repair damaged teeth and replace old defective dental restorations.